Tenn. Teen With Terminal Cancer Heads to Prom on Ride Through Bucket List
After fighting cancer for two years 14 year old Katelyn has been told their is not more that her Doctor's can do. Katelyn is dying from a osteosarcoma, an aggressive cancer which has spread through her bones. Katelyn since her cancer began has a bucket list at a personalized prom night yesterday in Lafollette, Texas here is some of her list from the theme Katie in The Sky With Diamond" The candle event is "Light the night for Katie. This young voice is one of the warriors of cancer. To make donations to Katelyn's bucket list and read more go to
http://abcnews.go.com/US/tenn-teen-terminal-cancer-heads-prom-ride-bucket/story?id=18808173#.UVG4uFfNl8F obtained 03/27/13