Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Coalition to Protect Medicaid


Recently #45 and the republican dominated house and Senate are not supportive of the medicaid program.

As part  of the recently passed new Tax Bill, in order to pay for this massive bill,, there will be cuts in social programs, in particular the medicaid program.
It is not totally clear as yet how these cuts in funding will be accomplished.

There are some administrative proposals, most notable a work requirement for Medicaid eligibility which has the potential of greatly reducing the numbers of people who are entitled to medicaid coverage.  it is very possible this may not be the only such proposal.  Any major changes in federal requirements and funding have an impact on the state Medicaid program which in new York has local city/county matching requirements.

The Governor has proposed a state budget which will be voted on by the state legislature at the end of March.  he has not as yet proposed any large changes in the Medicaid program that impact beneficiaries.  However, the state could lose as much as $2 billion in federal funding so that unless that changes, the final state budget or some later adjustment could be hurtful.

Cuomo's plan to up for that cash involves a $1 billion health care shortfall fund, made up mostly with the money he takes from insurance companies

An additional issue to watch is the DSH funding (Disproportionate Share Hospital) this federal funding to states that, at least in theory, goes to hospitals to pay for the care of uninsured patients and is targeted to high medicaid hospitals.  The theory being that Medicaid does not pay for the full cost of care in hospitals.  New york State ha not followed this formulas as yet and has phasing in distribution of these dollars which is required in the ACA.

Cuomo's proposal to maintain the status quo for this money for another year, instead of putting forward a more comprehensive fix for the entire charity care system,  also means that NYC health + Hospitals, an $8 billion municipal health system that is facing a $ 2 billion deficit in 2020, will lose   $ 329 million this year..

Due to a technicality, the ACA requirement has not yet kicked in. it will kick in when cuts in federal DSH funds are initiated.  These cuts has been delayed for three years as a result of heavy hospital lobbying.  If it does kick in because Congress has not once again delayed the cuts, New York would have to change its formula for distribution of the DSH dollars to met ACA requirements.

Who we are?
The Coalition(CPM) is a coalition of Medicaid recipients healthcare advocates, community-based organizations, organizers and labor activist in New York City.  We believe that health care is a human within a civil society.

Our Mission?Vision
The CPM works together in engaging our community to address our local, state and federal government representatives to promote a fully funded Medicaid program that is accessible to all. We also ensure that those directly impacted are aware and informed of ongoing attacks on the Medicaid program such as eligibility requirement changes, penalties and underfunding of various Medicaid programs.

For more information please contact: 
Anthony Feliciano /Judy Wessler'  <> wr

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